
about fun

I embrace life as an endless adventure. My curiosity propels me to constantly find answers to everything, seek out new experiences, push boundaries, and challenge conventions along the way.

“A curious explorer”

I moved to U.S. from China 10 years ago. Despite now I proudly call Seattle my home, I always enjoy traveling around the globe and learning about new cultures. I have been to 30+ countries in the past 10 years.

Botswana mobile camping

In 2023, I spent 15 days in the wilderness of southern Africa observing animals. This experience was magical where I witnessed lions and their cubs hunting on a giraffe, and fell asleep with hyenas howling outside our tent. I was also charged by an elephant (that was scary)….

10-day Trekking Trip in Tibet

To learn more about Tibetan culture and its unique geographical landscape, in 2019 I went on a 10-day trekking trip in Tibet where I learned that more than 40% of the world’s population depends on the water from rivers originating in Tibet.

“An experimental maker”

When I am not traveling, I am a maker who loves experimenting. I make food and pottery. Despite experimentation doesn’t always yield success, I enjoy every experience as it trains me to think outside boundaries and prepares me better for the next experiments.

Pottery work

I enjoy making cups and vases in the clay studio after work. It brings me peace of mind and helps stretch my creativity. Sometimes I will push the boundaries to experiment with new forms. Sometimes I push too far but I always learn and hone my skills from it.

Experiment with new recipes

On the weekends, I enjoy cooking and trying new recipes to exercise my creativity. Below is a “successful” experiment (it happens more frequently than you think) – A Japanese recipe for shrimps with ingredients locally sourced from PNW.